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12. How will I be involved in discussions about my child's progress?

Our school is committed to collaborative communication with our pupils and their parents/carers. Where a class teacher has concerns that a child’s progress is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline; fails to match or better their previous rate of progress; fails to close the attainment gap between themselves and their peers; widens the attainment gap; or if there is a need to make additional progress with wider development or social needs, teacher concerns will first be shared with parents/carers.   
Should the above concerns persist despite inclusive, ‘quality first’ teaching and targeted small group intervention, the child may require ‘SEND support’. This is discussed with parents/carers in a meeting with their child’s class teacher and the SENCOs where parents can also raise concerns and discuss their aspirations for their child. At this juncture, a Learning Support Plan (LSP) is created so that individualised support, targets and outcomes are put in place for the pupil.   
When creating a LSP, the views, strengths and needs of the child are taken into account, whilst outcomes are agreed. Specific, measurable, agreed-upon, realistic and time-bonded (SMART) targets are then discussed in order to facilitate pupil progress towards outcomes. Parents are invited to termly parent/teacher meetings at which pupil progress towards targets and outcomes is discussed and reviewed with the SENCOs.  
If a pupil still makes little or no progress, it may be necessary for the SENCOs to involve outside agencies such as a Speech and Language Therapist or an Educational Psychologist to provide specialist assessment, advice or teaching in order to remove the child’s barrier to learning. Parents/carers are invited to meetings with external agencies or specialist teachers and are kept fully informed of any individual work undertaken. Review meetings with professionals feed into LSPs and this document is updated accordingly.