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7. How does the school make provision for pupils with SEND?

We utilise the expertise of class teachers, the SENCOs, teaching assistants, the head teacher and specialist outside agencies in order to ensure SEND pupils are correctly supported. The class teacher is responsible for overseeing, planning and regularly working with SEND pupils and their parents/carers in order to correctly support a child’s development and monitor their progress and attainment.   
Our SENCOs, Miss Lennon and Mrs Laws, provide professional guidance to colleagues and work closely with parents/carers and with other agencies. Miss Lennon and Mrs Laws are both responsible for overseeing the support for each child receiving ‘SEND support’ and for monitoring the effectiveness of provision. Miss Lennon will have a particular focus on the children in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. Mrs Laws will have a focus on those in Key Stage 2.    
When medication is prescribed for attention-deficit/hyperactive (ADHD) disorder it is usually as part of a comprehensive treatment programme and always under the supervision of a specialist in childhood behavioural conditions. A lunch time dose of medication may be required to control the child’s symptoms during the afternoon, thus allowing effective learning to take place. The day-to-day administration of ADHD medication should be discussed on an individual basis with our SENCOs and the head teacher.