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St Agatha's History

St Agatha’s Catholic Primary School first opened its doors to children on 11th January 1895. 

Over 125 years later, it continues to serve the children of Kingston and the local area; providing an education that nurtures and develops the whole child spiritually, academically, socially and in faith. We welcome families from all faiths and countries and we create a close-knit community that works together.

When the school first opened, it was a legal requirement for all schools to keep a log. Although this is no longer the case, Mrs Cahill has spent time reading through past logs and we have shared some of the findings below. As you can see, some aspects of school life remain the same but there are also significant differences!

Quotes from School Log Book

March 21st 1898:

School re-opened after being closed three weeks on account of an outbreak of measles. 

February 10th 1899:

Sweets distributed to the children who came to school regularly.

June 25th 1902:

In celebration of the King’s Coronation, school was closed this afternoon until Monday 30th June. Owing to the King’s illness, the Coronation treat has been indefinitely postponed.

March 9th 1906:

Coal delivered. 

June 16th 1913: 
The children of 1st Class will be taken for a Nature Walk in Richmond Park this morning.

March 5th 1914: 
All school chimneys swept today. Much inconvenience caused owing to the soot blown down the corridors.
January 18th 1928:

The school nurse examined every child this afternoon for general cleanliness.

January 30th 1928:

Fire drill at 11:45. All in lines in girls’ yard in under two minutes. 

March 5th 1928:

The children brought a quantity of groceries for the Nursing Home in answer to an appeal from the matron.