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Nursery Admissions

Admission to Nursery Class September 2025

If your child is born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 they are entitled to start Nursery in September 2024. The closing date for Nursery admissions is Friday 7th March 2025 (tbc).
For information about Open Days for 2025 intake please click here.

Places will be offered to parents by letter before Friday 2nd May 2025 (tbc).

Should you have any further queries please contact Sharon Parsons on 020 8546 3879 or


Guidance for school governors on interpreting evidence of Catholic Practice in Supplementary Information Forms following the Coronavirus outbreak.

Evidence of Practice

On the advice of the Education Commission of the Archdiocese of Southwark the governing body of St Agatha’s Catholic Primary School has agreed the following statement in order to clarify how its faith-based oversubscription criteria will be interpreted whilst churches are closed or attendance at church is not possible due to COVID19.  This statement has been shared widely with parishes in order to ensure that determinations made by parish priests concerning regular practice of the faith are being made on a consistent basis.

The suspension of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass was announced on 18th March 2020 by Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. If a parent/carer attended Mass at a particular parish (or parishes) prior to 18th March 2020 then they will be considered to have attended Mass in that parish (or parishes) regularly since that time. This will remain the case until the Sunday obligation is reintroduced by the Bishops.

30 Hours Nursery Provision 

From September 2017 the Government introduced an eligibility based additional 15 hours of free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds. This means that whilst 3 and 4 year old children have access to the universal 15 hours entitlement, some children will also be able to access an additional 15 hours – if their parent(s) meet the eligibility criteria.

For further details, please follow this link: 

Provision at St Agatha’s Nursery from September 2024

After the successful introduction of the 30 hours nursery provision from September 2017, St Agatha’s School continues to offer this provision for the September 2025 intake. 

If you are not eligible for the Government funded additional hours, you may also apply for additional sessions which will be invoiced on a monthly basis. 
The charge per each 3 hour session for 2025-2026 will be £25 or £100 for the week (5 sessions) (TBC)

For both funded and invoiced places, there is a lunchtime club to cover the 35 minutes between morning and afternoon Nursery sessions. Please note that your child is not required to stay for this club – you will however need to make appropriate arrangements for their care between 11.45am- 12.20pm.   

Morning Nursery: Ducklings Class
8.45am - 11.45am Monday to Friday Afternoon
Afternoon Session
12.20pm - 3.20pm Monday to Friday
Lunchtime Club
Daily from 11.45am - 12.20pm £3.50 per child per day (Packed lunch to be supplied by parent)