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School Development

At St Agatha’s we believe that all children thrive in an environment in which they are happy, challenged and secure. Our aim is always to provide the best education and experience for pupils throughout their time at our school. 

Each year the Governors and Senior Leadership Team write a School Development Plan which identifies the key areas of focus for our school. These areas are identified through analysis of the progress our children make, evaluation of school strengths and identification of key areas to further develop. 

The development plan is in constant use by both staff and governors, in order to monitor and evaluate progress against identified priorities. Day to day monitoring of the school development plan is the responsibility of the Headteacher together with the Senior Leadership Team and teaching staff. 

The Governing Body receives regular reports on progress and contributes to the monitoring process through school visits and committee meetings. At the end of the year, judgements are made about whether a target has been achieved, whether further work is needed to consolidate improvement or whether a different set of actions is required. 

PRIORITIES: School Development Plan 2024-2025:

Quality of Education

  • Develop the school’s approach to using ‘Oracy for writing’ to impact children’s writing outcomes.
  • Embedded the new phonics programme across the whole school. 

Behaviour and attitudes 

  • Further improve the attendance of all pupils and reduce the number of children with less than 90% attendance.
  • Further promote staying safe, pupil mental wellbeing and online safety through an integrated and child-centred curriculum.

Leadership and management 

  • Implement the new Religious Education directory.
  • Strengthening links with Catholic Academy Trust utilising opportunities to find value for money. 

Personal development 

  • Further develop opportunities for pupil voice and leadership.
  • Further develop the whole school approach to sustainability.


  • To review school’s policy for recording children's progress.
  • To develop the covered outdoor area to ensure continued outdoor provision during poor weather conditions.