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11. How does the school plan and monitor pupil progress towards outcomes?

Teachers routinely monitor and review pupils’ progress towards planned outcomes established in Learning Support Plans (LSPs), both formally and informally. Through utilising LSP targets, pupil interviews and whole class data analysis, class teachers evaluate pupil understanding, identify further needs, and identify progress. Parents/carers are invited to termly review meetings at which the impact and effectiveness of provision and progress towards outcomes is discussed with the class teacher and the SENCOs. Written or photographic evidence of progress made towards outcomes, both at home and at school, is attached to the LSP. This process enables the tracking of SEND pupil progress towards outcomes and ensures a child-centred collaborative approach, in which the pupil and their parents/carers feel heard and valued. It is not necessary for teachers to wait for termly formal review meetings before reviewing and, if appropriate, making changes to LSPs, their teaching approaches or other provision.   
The impact and quality of support and interventions for pupils on SEND support is evaluated by the SENCOs through: data analysis; lesson observation; book looks and learning walks, as well as collection of the views of the pupil and their parents/carers and discussion with any involved specialists. This feeds into the analysis of the pupil’s needs at termly review meetings and the LSP is revised in light of this. The SENCOs also share their findings with the school’s Senior Leadership Team and with the SEND Governor.