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- 16. How will the school support my child when they move schools or move towards adulthood?
16. How will the school support my child when they move schools or move towards adulthood?
At St Agatha’s, all pupils receiving ‘SEND Support’ have an end of year transition meeting at which pupil outcomes are discussed alongside what has worked well for the pupil and what could be improved. The pupil’s current and future class teacher are present along with the child’s parents/carers, any involved professionals, the SENCOs and other key members of staff. Pupil voice is heard for this meeting.
We work closely with local primary and secondary schools to ensure smooth transition for mid and end of year pupil transfers. All relevant information, such as recent professional reports and pupil outcomes, is shared. We make arrangements for a member of staff from the new setting to meet individuals within St Agatha’s and speak with key members of staff. The SENCOs attends SEND transition meetings with the secondary school SENCOs in the summer term and discusses individual strengths and needs. Local secondary schools provide transition days that involve prospective pupils in a range of different activities designed to allow them to start to get to know each other and their future teachers, as well as summer transition events. SEND pupils and their parents/carers are also invited to additional transition afternoons to enable them to feel supported.