- Home
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- SEND Information
- 1.What is SEND?
- 2. What are 'SEND Support' and the 'Graduated Approach'?
- 3. What is an EHCP?
- 4. What arrangements are made for the admission of pupils with disabilities?
- 5. How does the school identify that a pupil has SEND?
- 6. What is the school's ethos/approach to teaching pupils with SEND and Disability?
- 7. How does the school make provision for pupils with SEND?
- 8. What teaching approaches are used and what additional provision might be available?
- 9. What support will there be for my child's overall well-being or behaviour ?
- 10. How are pupils with SEND included in school life with pupils who do not have SEND beyond the day to day curriculum?
- 11. How does the school plan and monitor pupil progress towards outcomes?
- 12. How will I be involved in discussions about my child's progress?
- 13. How does the school involve children with SEND in their education and in the decision making process?
- 14. How do we maintain a high level of expertise, training and experience of school staff in SEND?
- 15. What advice is available for school staff regarding SEND? How does the school get that advice?
- 16. How will the school support my child when they move schools or move towards adulthood?
- 17. How should complaints regarding SEND provision be made and how will they be dealt with?
- 18. When was this information last reviewed and when will it next be updated?
- 19. Who in school do I contact for further information and support regarding SEND?
- 20. Who, outside of school, can I turn to for advice and support?
- Further Information
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- Zones of Regulation